MAY 18, 2019
Thank you all for coming out and making our monthly play a great success!
50/50 Raffle Winners
1st Place Chris Guyton
2nd Place Katie Catron
3rd Place Tamara Bossett
2some for Sierra Lakes (2 Certificates from Course)
Vester Levingston Chip Womack
Closest To The Pin Men Women
Hole 6 Russell Walton Hole 4 Shirley Dones
Hole 17 Chip Womack Hole 13 Beryl Bryant
FLIGHT 1 6 golfers
Low Gross: $25 Chip with 71
1stLow Net $15 Russell with 66 2ndLow Net $12 Rodney with 73
1stplace Chip with 15 $15 2ndPlace Russell with 19 $10
Chip Womack with 9 skins $36.00
Rodney Gants with 2 skins $8.00
Willie Ticer with 1 skin $4.00
FLIGHT 2 9 Golfers
1stLow Gross: Marcus Wilson with a score 95 $25
2ndLow Gross Vester Levingston with score 95 $20 (Card-off)
Low Net
1stPlace Vincent Lyday with a score 75 $20
2ndPlace Alonzo Duncan with a score 75 $13 (Card-off)
1stPlace: Alvin Boudreaux with 22 $20.00
2ndPlace: Darren Emery with 23 $15.00
3rdPlace: Vester Levingston with 23 $10.00. (card off Emery & Lyday)
Terry Black with 1 skin $7.00
Alonzo Duncan with 1 skin $7.00
Darren Emery with 1 skin $7.00
Chris Guyton with 1 skin $7.00
Vester Levingston with 3 skins $21.00
Vincent Lyday with 4 skins $28.00
FLIGHT 1 5 golfers
Low Gross Jenny Bethune with a score of 86 $20
1stLow Net Leslie Banks with a score of 64 $15
2ndLow Net Beulah Stamps with a score of 69 $10
1stPlace Beulah Stamps with a score of 22 $15
2ndPlace Leslie Banks with a score of 23 $10 (card off)
Leslie Banks with 3 skins $12
Jenny Bethune with 4 skins $16
Debrya Moore with 3 skins $12
Sharon Sanders with 1 skin $4
Beulah Stamps with 1 skin $4
FLIGHT 2 5 Golfers
Low Gross Sharon Walton with a score of 107 $20
1stLow Net Shirley Dones with a score of 73 $15
2ndLow Net Tamara Bossett with a score of 77 $10
1stPlace Sharon Walton with a score of 23 $15
2ndPlace Tamara Bossett with a score of 25 $10
Tamara Bossett with 1 skin $6.00
Katie Catron with 3 skins $18.00
Shirley Dones with 2 skins $12.00
Sharon Walton with 2 skins $12.00
FLIGHT 3 5 Golfers
Low Gross Joan Alexander with a score of 110 $20
1stLow Net Beryl Bryant with a score of 76 $15
2ndLow Net Peggy Toy with a score of 89 $10
1stPlace Joan Alexander with a score of 25 $15
2ndPlace Beryl Bryant with a score of 25 $10
Joan Alexander with 5 skins $20
Beryl Bryant with 5 skins $20
Candis Noel with 2 skins $ 8
Thank you,
Tournament Committee
Charna, Beryl, Millie, Katie, Tamara & Bob