Tee Divas & Tee Dudes Golf Club is proud to Congratulate Katie Catron 2017 WSGA Hall of Fame Inductee.
Katie Catron is an innovative thinker who has been instrumental in the growth and development of women in the WSGA family. Katie was the Southern Area Women in Golf (WIG) Chair for 8 years. She has been involved with the WIG Program since it was called “Aide to Women Golfers”. Katie has been the WSGA Women in Golf General Chairperson for 12 years. She was appointed by then President Hank Marshall primarily because of her sterling leadership in the Southern Area WIG Program. The prototype created by Katie for the WIG program is still being used today.
Upon her appointment as General Chairperson, she successfully lobbied to have the name changed to WSGA Women in Golf. Under her leadership, WIG has accomplished many of the goals she set forth, including increasing the number of women participating in the WSGA Annual.
Katie is a mother of two sons and a grandmother. Katie is currently the Treasurer for the Southern Area Women in Golf Program. She was a long time member of Tee Masters Golf Club. Katie was the advisor to the Tee Divas & Tee Dudes Golf Club, which formed as an outgrowth of the WIG Training program. She now serves as the Chaplin for Tee Divas and Tee Dudes Golf Club.
Katie is unquestionably loyal and a great ambassador for WSGA and the Game of Golf. No other lady has successfully represented WSGA Women in Golf for a longer period of time.
Katie Catron is the second member of WSGA Hall of Fames from Tee Divas and Tee Dudes Golf Club. We salute you Katie Catron.